Well, that could have gone better. ATLANTA (+7 at Baltimore) Result: Baltimore 29, Atlanta 7 What went right: Nothing. What went wrong: Everything. I learned a valuable lesson in not taking a team I think is significantly worse without an enormous line. “If all goes well, they could be in position to make a backdoor […]
Category: Weekly Bets
Week 7 SuperContest Picks
Let’s jump right in. ATLANTA (+7 at Baltimore) On Pinnacle, the line has moved down to 6.5. If a line crosses the 3 or 7, or even just moves on or off it, I jump on it. I don’t love Atlanta, but they have the offensive firepower to score a garbage TD to close the […]
Week 6 SuperContest Picks Review
Since I have nothing on the game tonight, I figured I’d write this now. I went 3-2 to maintain my 60% winning percentage. Let’s see if I can figure out what I got wrong. If you want to write this all off as arbitrary and variance, feel free to skip the rest. BUFFALO (+3 vs. […]
SuperContest Week 6 picks
I haven’t been able to write on football lately for personal reasons, which has been a disappointment, but occasionally real life intervenes with our non-paying hobbies. Our other writers have been doing early work on the 2015 prospects, so look for some articles on them soon. In the meantime, now that I have time, I’m […]
Needle’s Defensive All-Pro Team, Awards and Picks
No reason to waste anytime for this so let’s get right into the Defensive side of the ball.
Week 6 Embarrassment Predictions
1/6 last week following 4/11 in week 4. Let’s see how poorly I can do this week, where I will introduce teaser picks. I think there is a lot of value in adding a few points to either side of a bet even if you have to hit on more picks at worse odds. I’m […]
Analysis of Nath’s Supercontest Picks, Week 7
Got this out the door a little later than I’d hoped, as I’ve had a busy week so far. Moving right along with it…
My SuperContest Picks, Week 7
For those of you not familiar with the Las Vegas Hilton SuperContest, it’s a… contest (note to self: buy a thesaurus) where entrants plunk down $5,000 at the beginning of the NFL season to join a pool to pick games against the spread. Each week, participants pick five games against point spreads published on Wednesday. […]
Week 4 Lines Recap; bring on the lol’s
Recommended lines: 1/5 Solid Leans: 3/6 Pretty terrible week to say the least, but lets go further and break it down.
Week 4 NFL Line Predictions
While we are all big NFL fans here, let’s be honest: One of the most fun things about following the NFL is attempting to overcome its unpredictability and predict the future. Whether you’re trying to make a buck, will your team to victory, or simply looking for bragging rights, NFL betting is extremely exciting. I’ve […]
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