First, some good news: We should returning to shortly; I’ve been a little delayed by this whole “attempting to make a living” thing, but I should be importing the site back over soon. I’m also planning to get back to more regular content; it’s certainly not like I lack for thoughts about the NFL, but I […]
Category: projections
Quick and Dirty 2015 Season Predictions
Sad to say, Zone Reads has been through some lean times this year. We’ve lost some contributors and those that remain have careers that are increasingly demanding of our time. We’ll still try to keep churning out content as much as we can, though, especially once draft season begins. That said, if you need a place to contribute your football […]
The Top 10: Edge Rushers
The defensive players that generally get the most glory are pass rushers and linebackers. Unfortunately this is because they are the only defensive positions that accumulate traditional counting stats; sacks and tackles. That said, edge rushers are among the most valuable defensive players on the field. In the case of 4-3 defenses, the edge rusher […]
The Top 10: Running Backs
Ah, the coveted prizes of fantasy football; running backs. There is a lot of glory in being the man who runs through eleven defenders, taking all the hits while dishing out punishment. However this combined with the following of general stats tends to overrate the importance of running backs relative to other positions. While I […]
My first set of 2014 predictions
Every year I put out at least a cursory projection of the NFL standings. Most of the time, I’m just guessing, but I’ve always wanted to add a little more rigor to my analysis. This year, I went through each team’s schedule and did my best to estimate their win equity in each game, and […]
The Top 10: Cornerbacks
NFL Network’s top 100 list has now been running for a few years, and it consistently draws grumbles around the country from more knowledgeable fans. While the rankings are voted by the players, the process of gathering the votes seems mediocre at best; each player is asked to list their top 15 players in the league. There […]
Revisiting Predictions at Midseason (AFC)
(or: How I don’t have to think of a unique idea for a post or do any specific in-depth analysis but still manage to write something this week.) Every team has played at least eight games. Some have played nine. That makes this the unofficial midpoint of the NFL season, and with it from columnists […]
Zone Reads Cross-Promotion: Hear Nath Talk Basketball
Rob at advanced-analysis basketball blog Points Per Possession and I recorded a podcast previewing the Houston Rockets’ upcoming season. Being a longtime Rockets fan, as well as a particular fan of Daryl Morey’s work as GM, I had a lot to say about the team’s prospects in 2013-14, especially now that all the pieces seem […]
Week 4 Lines Recap; bring on the lol’s
Recommended lines: 1/5 Solid Leans: 3/6 Pretty terrible week to say the least, but lets go further and break it down.
NFC Preview: Short Writeups
Got the AFC Preview out of the way before the first AFC game was played. (I’m feeling much better about my projections for Denver and Baltimore, although I may have actually underestimated the Broncos.) With less than 24 hours before kickoff, let’s go through the NFC teams:
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