I don’t have anything new to add to the story of La’el Collins and his murdered ex-girlfriend. It’s a tragedy whether or not he was involved; all indicators seem to say he was not, which adds a layer of unfairness to how Collins was treated in this situation. What I do want to discuss is […]
Tag: 2015 nfl draft
The Chart of Picks By Team Is Complete
Now, you can view every pick your team made, along with our grade of the player, in one handy spreadsheet. Don’t lose too much heart if we have a “N/A” grade next to your player. It simply means we didn’t have the chance to evaluate the player properly. Some of those players we’ve heard of; […]
Some helpful charts and spreadsheets for you from Day Two
I’ve linked to four spreadsheets we made over the course of the day to help with your NFL Draft experience. The first won’t be too much help now, but in case you wanted to view the Day 2 mock vixticator and I made in the afternoon, before proceedings resumed, now you can. The second is […]
Griddle Takes: Round 1 of the NFL Draft
Fresh off the griddle so you know they’re piping hot, vix and I have our takes on each pick in this draft. 1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers – Jameis Winston, QB, Florida State vix: Winston regressed in his soph season. His flaws on tape (decision making, random mechanical lapses) didn’t get as much attention as his […]
Explaining some changes on our Big Board
This will most likely be the last update on our Big Board before the draft (unless something drastic happens before then– discovering a heretofore unknown prospect, or a major piece of news lowering someone’s stock, for example). As such, I feel fairly comfortable with the final decisions we’ve made. Thus, I’d like to explain the […]
Zone Reads Twitter Mock
Last night, vix and I mocked the first two rounds of the draft on Twitter, alternating picks. As a bonus for website readers and forum viewers, we did a third round privately. Here’s the thread with the picks and discussion. Feel free to discuss either here or there. If you’d like to see the Twitter […]
The Mountain: Carl Davis
The most consistent thing I hear about Iowa defensive tackle Carl Davis is that his tape is inconsistent. Now, I am not calling these draft experts liars; they have more game tapes to watch and more knowledge of the game than myself. I can only go off of what I see, but what I see […]
The Human Torch: Devin Smith
If you haven’t watched any tape of Ohio State wide receiver Devin Smith, then you’re in for a treat. He’s preternaturally gifted when it comes to making catches deep down field. In fact, that’s essentially all he does. He only caught 33 passes as a senior, 12 of which were touchdowns, for an average of […]
The 2015 “No One’s Mocking” Mock
Reading through some of the Zone Reads archives, I discovered a mock draft from 2013 I made with the sole goal of identifying picks no one else was projecting for a team. I thought about that and decided it was a neat intellectual exercise– if you kept to two rules: The picks have to be […]
Scouting Jameis Winston
With the combine behind us, it’s time to start taking a deep look at prospects. Quarterbacks always generate the most chatter, as they usually result in the biggest boom or bust outcomes. Everyone has an opinion on each specific individual, whether or not it is informed. This year, the highest profile quarterback is none other than […]
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